Saturday, September 11, 2004

In Transit

4 hours in Singapore Airport, airconditioning not working particularly well, very humid in the main shopping areas. Our luggage trolley was forbidden on the escalators and a sign suggested using lift 23... no map or clue where that was. Eventually we stumbled upon lift 21 and got up to the food court. Didn't really feel hungry but we needed to sit down again. Looked around for a small meal. The Burger King Turkey & Bacon value meal for SG$6 was delicious, The kid at the counter was polite, but didn't know the difference between addressing someone as Sir or Mister, so I was greated with friendly "Hello Mister" and a "that's six dollars mista". I don't think I needed the 5 packets of free ketchup he helpfully insisted on putting on my tray.

Free internet access (15 minutes at a time) in number of places, so had a chance to check email. Then began the search for a camera.. so many to choose from, with wildy varying prices. Settled on a Sony 4.1 Cybershot and picked up an extra 256mb stick, for roughly AUD$500 total.

Singapore airport caters well for in-transit travellers, there's free massage, free movies, free site- seeing bus (if waiting longer than 5 hours), science museum, lots of food and shopping.